O design passivo acrescenta valor
Passive design adds value to a building!
21 March, 2017
o que é a aerotermia energia
What is aerothermal?
5 May, 2017

Sabias que as construções em madeira são resistentes a forças sísmicas?

Seismic forces are a real concern in many parts of the world and Portugal is also included.

How does wood stand out from other materials in the most seismic areas?

Having a lighter building will reduce the seismic mass regardless of the size of the building. The size of the building's mass creates its own inertial force and so a percentage of the building's total weight becomes a horizontal force that during seismic activity, starts to make the building sway, so that the heavier your building is. , the horizontal force is greater.

The wooden construction allows a flexible construction where the building can move it can shake but it won't fall down, so people can safely leave and be back in our building again.